Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blog Post 7

1) The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

an image of people that are connected by a social network

Wendy Drexler's video fell inline with the curriculum that we have discussed in class all semester. Wendy's aim in creating this video was to make known the idea of the networked student. The main focus of the networked student is not on lecture and textbooks, but rather the main focus of the networked student is on connectivism. Connectivism is the belief that learning occurs as a result of a social network of many diverse connections and ties between students. The positives associated with connectivism is that connectivism forces students take control of their own learning experience, and connectivism forces students to develop ties with other students to better understand the material. This method of learning is centered around a personal learning network which utilizes blogs and search engines to aid in student understanding. Once a student builds a blog he or she can post reflections about what was learned, and other students can comment on that post in order to find the most accurate information. The main concept to understand is that the twenty first century student network will create a wide range of connections.

I have plenty of mixed emotions about this topic which have been stated in my previous blog posts. I do feel that all students should do a fair amount of personal research concerning the information addressed in class, and I feel that all students should research and discuss information addressed in class with their peers. By way of research and discussion students will make connections and ties. At this point in time I do not feel that every class should be technologically centered, nor do I feel that every classroom should focus on social networking. Should social networking and technology be restricted form the general education classroom? I feel that technology and social networking should not be restricted from the classroom, but they should be utilized to a healthy extent in order to enhance learning. A classroom should consist of lecture, reading, discussion, research, and to a healthy extent technology. We live in the technology age and I feel that it would be criminal to deny a student proper education in technology. Technology centered classes must be required if we intend to prepare students for their future, but classes should focus on the curriculum assigned to it. I personally feel that teachers are needed not only to lecture and teach but to also offer guidance to students. I agree with the video to the extent that teachers should be the motivators of the students when it comes to research, but lecture and teaching are important aspects of education.

One of the most important aspects of the video was when the viewer was asked what the significance of the teacher would be when so much emphasis has been placed on the student. I briefly addressed this in my last paragraph, but the only way in which I differ from Wendy's option is by adding the important task of lecturing and teaching which Wendy excluded. To fully utilize the ideology of connectivism the teacher must become many things which I am not necessarily opposed to. Through the networked student model the teacher becomes the individual who teaches the student how to build a network and take advantage of new learning opportunities; the teacher becomes the individual who gives guidance when it is need; the teacher becomes the individual to teach the student how to communicate respectfully; the teacher becomes the individual to show the student how to differentiate between good information and propaganda; and the teacher also becomes the individual who will organize those complex mountains of information discovered by the student. The teachers main goal through connectivism is that the student can use this information to navigate his or her future. I'm not in total opposition to Wendy's outlook, but I do feel that the teacher's responsibility is slightly more involved than was described in the video.

2) A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)

brainstorming image concerning PLE

This video was another production of Wendy Drexler. In this video a 7th grade student displayed her own personal learning environment that she had created. I really enjoyed seeing the things that she was able to do in her class through her personal learning environment. She was able to have all of her school work and social networks linked into one organized network through her PLE. This can be a great thing as long as it is utilized correctly.


  1. Hi Keeley. I found myself nodding and shaking my head over your post. That is a very good thing! You want to write in a way that makes people think and want to answer back. You explained connectivism well, but left me a bit unsure what your final analysis on the subject is. Do you think the things we are learning in EDM310 are only for a technology class? I'm curious about what you think. I have mixed feelings only about the safety of using the Internet. Is that your concern? Excellent post. Got me to thinking hard about the place social networking sites and PLEs belong.

  2. Well written. I probably agree with your call for a "balanced approach. Your comments on the need for lectures leads me to suggest that you read my post Lectures - Part 1 and leave a comment as part of the discussion I am trying to foster. You can substitute that for one of the C4T#3 assignments you have. I look forward to your comments.

  3. Hi Keeley,
    Your blog post was amazing. Although I have mixed feelings about some of the things you said for the most part I agreed. I do agree that the teacher should be more involved then what was described in this video. There are many different approaches to using technology, but if it gets to far there will be no need for actual teachers. I think about many jobs now and machines are taking places of workers. Do You think that will happen in education?
